Our Journey...
We believe that learning is an adventure. There is a path to take, places to explore, and new experiences to embrace. Our commitment to instill life-long learning in students begins with great modeling. As teachers, we must embrace the process of learning and share our new knowledge with our students.
Fox Creek is an amazing school because of the growth mindset that is the fabric of our culture. This past summer our leadership team jumped into a new adventure and backpacked our way to a mountain hut in the Colorado Rockies to develop our work plan for the new school year.
Fox Creek is an amazing school because of the growth mindset that is the fabric of our culture. This past summer our leadership team jumped into a new adventure and backpacked our way to a mountain hut in the Colorado Rockies to develop our work plan for the new school year.
As you experience our school portfolio, you will be experiencing part of our journey as an EL Education school. There's a lot of great information on the pages ahead, and to help you identify some of the more significant moments on our path we have included a small cairn image to signify key parts of our adventure. We hope this helps you see some of the key narrative in the midst numerous artifacts that point towards our effectiveness as a school. Happy travels!
Who we are together... we are crew!